Wednesday, 11 April 2012


Hello fellow bloggers!  This week I will be talking to you about the history of the UAE.  It was originaly formed by a group of Arabian Peninsula sheikhdoms who lived along the coast of the Persian gulf, which is where the UAE is located today.  The coast where it is located today, used to be called the pirate coast, because of all the foreign shipping from traders.  British troops tried to protect them, but could not.  Then, in 1820, a peace treaty was signed with the people who used the dock.  And, to make a long story short, they eventually began a relationship with the united kingdom, but the relationship stopped in 1955 because of a border matter which is still undisputed to this day.  Then, in 1968, they officially ended the treaty with the sheikdoms.  I know, it's not to interesting, but you got to do what you got to do.  Signing off,


1 comment:

  1. Thats very interesting Sam. I had no knowledge on this country before you started dicussing it. I am glad that you chose it and that you are talking about its history. Its pretty cool that the British tried helping the UAE. Your country must have done something right to have the British on their side. Its not very good, but you know that you have to know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em (inside joke). Anyways, I found that your blog was very exciting. Cant wait for the next one!
